Time Management Tips – Get a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions!
Time Management Tips – Get a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions!
Every January 1st, 75% of Americans select getting organized or improving their time management as one of their top five New Year’s Resolutions. It’s right up there with quitting smoking and losing weight.
That’s terrific! If everyone implemented more time management tips we’d have fewer stressed out, frazzled folks in the world. Unfortunately, 67% of our fellow citizens are not successful with their New Year’s Resolutions. And I don’t want you to be one of them! So, how exactly do you improve your time management?
Check out my four-part blog series in which I discussed the key time management principle of improving focus:
Part 1: How present are you?
Part 2: Productivity Tips – How to focus more
Part 3: Time Management Tips – 4 Steps to More Focus
Part 4: Time Management Tips – 5 questions to improve your focus
When you create clarity and improve your focus, the immediate result is increased efficiency and productivity. Hooray!
For more help to achieve your New Year’s Resolutions (or resolutions at any time of year!), check out my other time management tips blog posts.