Maureen Anderson: Doing What Works

Back in the fall of 2016, radio host Maureen Anderson and I agreed to an interview for her show Doing What Works – a nationally-syndicated radio talk show that helps you fix what you don’t like about your life. The agreed upon topic was “New Year’s Resolutions.” We scheduled the interview for January 21, 2017. This was a perfect date because so many people start losing interest in or giving up on their New Year’s Resolutions by this point.
Her husband, Darrell Anderson, who produces and engineers the show, called me on the appointed day, and we went through sound checks. I had the chance to greet Maureen. This was going to be our second interview. We hit it off so well the first time that it felt like we were old friends just picking up where we left off last time.
And then she opened her Doing What Works show by saying, “We were going to talk about New Year’s Resolutions – that’s what we agreed to – but I’ve got something else on my mind.”
What?!!? Did she really just say that??
A moment of panic went through me (thank goodness this was radio and not TV!), but then I realized that it wouldn’t be a disaster if we have a fun conversation.
Click here to listen to how things turned out.
Oh yes, and you’ll pick up plenty of time management and productivity tips along the way, of course!