Time Management Tips – Linda Strasburg digs into organization and productivity

Linda Strasburg is the host of InterViews & InterActionsin Salt Lake City on AM 630 K-TALK, “The Independent Voice of Utah.”
Show Synopsis:
“Interviews in discussion format with noted personalities, professionals and scholars covering cutting-edge topics in health, spirituality, self-improvement, social issues, relationships, science history and fitness; an hour of discovery, learning and enlightenment for cultural creatives.”
On April 15, 2017, Linda Strasburg interviewed productivity consultant Helene Segura, MA Ed, CPO® about organization and time management tips. You can listen here.
Some of the questions that Linda Strasburg asked about getting organized and improving time management include:
Do I waste time planning to get organized?
Do our brains really remember every item that we own?
Does “something in, something out” work?
Where do you start with getting organized for your job?
If you have control of your surroundings, what’s the best way to be efficient?
How do we deal with interruptions without being rude?
What are the biggest time wasters?
How do you manage your connection with your phone and what you need to do?
How do you get organized for travel?
Does sleep affect organization?
What do you mean by “reflecting with power”?
What part does fear play in procrastination?
Is it possible that people are addicted to chaos?
Do different cultures have a handle on organization and time management?