Independence Day – Celebrate and Team Up
Our nation celebrates Independence Day every July 4th. Most folks think of this holiday as a grilling or swimming holiday. Fewer folks stop to think about the human costs of having this freedom and how grateful we all should be. Even fewer folks think about their own personal freedom – and the choices that they make that affect this.
If you’re fiercely independent, I hope you celebrate the fact that you have been able to do so much on your own. But I also hope that you realize that it’s really tough to accomplish absolutely everything on our own. In fact, life can be so much tougher when we attempt to go it alone. When we make the choice to struggle unnecessarily, we lose more of our personal freedom.
I’m often asked to do Q&A’s after workshops or speaking engagements. I absolutely love doing this because people get some instant relief and walk away a little less stressed. At one such event, a particular question (and my response) seemed to resonate with a number of people, so I thought I would share that here.
This wonderful woman stood up and shared a typical story: She’s doing a heck of a lot.
My father died a few months ago. I’m taking care of my ill mother and my mother’s house. My mother lives about one hour away. I’m responsible for paying bills and all of the upkeep of my own home, including laundry and meals for everyone in my household. And I’m starting up my own business. My question: How do I juggle it all?
My response:
When you get home, I’d like you to grab a chair and perhaps a nice little beverage, and rerun this chat in your mind. If I’m understanding you correctly, you are in charge of:
- maintaining your home
- handling your personal estate
- caring for your well-being and that of your family’s
- maintaining your mother’s home
- caring for your mother’s well being
- handling your mother’s estate
In addition to this, you are in the process of starting your own business.
My tip on juggling would be to first figure out how much time you can allot to each of these responsibilities. You can download my free weekly planner at
On that chart, block off:
When you’ll sleep.
When you’ll prepare meals and eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Then block off chunks of time for when you’ll devote your focus to each of these six different responsibilities I’ve just named.
Key question: Is there enough time for all that you want to do? Or do you need to look at asking for help? If you don’t like the thought of asking for help, think of it as delegating. Use whatever word that will help you take better care of yourself and your personal freedom, which in turn will help you to better care for your mom and your family.
Women are ingrained with the idea that we need to take care of everything and everyone. In the process, we usually end up not taking care of ourselves. It’s important to step back and decide what you truly have time to do. Once you do that, you won’t have to juggle. You’ll have full control of your personal freedom, which will allow you to accomplish even more – as well as better serve those you care for.