Time Management Tip: Football Savings Time
Are you one of the millions of people out there who watch football? College football? NFL football?
Or maybe you don’t watch the games, but you need to work your schedule around people who do?
Whether you love or hate football, the good news is that Football Savings TimeTM gives all of us a chance to actually get things done!
A number of folks often lament to me that they can never find time to complete all of the house-related tasks and projects that have been languishing for months (or years) on their never-shortening to-do list. For all of you football fans (and non-fans) out there who feel this way, you’re in luck! Football season is over. Football Savings TimeTM has begun!
The season has changed – football season, that is. The Super Bowl took place on February 11. We’ve experienced 18 days of no football! No college games or NFL playoff games on Saturdays. No NFL games on Sundays or Monday nights or Thursday nights. If you haven’t realized it yet, you’ve gained time for your household tasks and projects. How’s that for time management strategies?!?
By the way, if you don’t want to use Football Savings TimeTM for tasks, you can always use it for self-care or fun.
What will you do with the extra three hours per game you’re no longer watching?
For a complete guide to creating the time before, during or after football season, check out The Inefficiency Assassin: Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer.