Book – 30 Tactics – Glossary
ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder. As with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), it’s not a simple task to explain this medical condition in a sentence or two. According to the Attention Deficit Disorder Association: “A crucial consideration is that the behaviors [such as distractibility, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity] must create a real handicap in at least two areas of a person’s life, such as school, home, work, or social settings. These criteria set ADHD apart from the “normal” distractibility and impulsive behavior of childhood, or the effects of the hectic and overstressed lifestyle prevalent in our society.” For more information, visit the ADDA at
ADHD – see ADD
AP – Advanced Placement. Courses approved by the College Board, the entity that monitors the Advanced Placement exam. Students who pass the Advanced Placement exam for the particular subject on which they’re testing will earn one semester of college credit for that subject at most universities. In most states, students earn an extra grade point for these courses, so a student who earns a B (3.0) would be awarded a 4.0 when calculating grade point average and class ranking.
App – short for application; a software program downloaded onto a mobile device
AWOL – Absent WithOut Leave; a military term meaning you have left your post or base without permission
Bootay – Alternate pronunciation for bootie, which is slang for butt.
C-suite – A term used to describe executives with the letter C” in their title (e.g., CEO, COO, CFO, etc.)
Capiche – Italian for Do you understand?
Certified Professional Organizer® – CPO® – An organizing or productivity professional who accrues 1500 paid transfer-of-skill client hours within a three year period may apply to sit for the CPO® exam. This certification is governed by BCPO, which follows NCCA accreditation guidelines.
Grande – Spanish for large Recon – short for reconnaissance; an examination or search of a location in preparation for a mission
Title I – Title I is a federal program through which the U.S. government provides funding to schools with high percentages of low income students. Funding is used for various programs including drop-out prevention.
If you didn’t see the term you were looking for, ask Helene via Twitter or Facebook to add it to this page!
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