Current Options for Utilizing Google Gemini
If you’ve read my previous posts about Artificial Intelligence (AI), you know that I attempt to strike a balance between letting AI in as little as possible because of privacy and security concerns versus utilizing AI to save time. I am definitely not an early adopter, so when I test-drive AI tools, I’m doing this…
Read MoreWhat Is the Worst Thing an IT Leader Does That Damages Productivity?
A technology journalist writing about IT Leaders recently posed several questions. I’ve included them below, along with my answers: What’s the worst thing an IT leader does that actually damages team productivity? Implementing a new platform without basing it on team, department or company needs, as well as not providing pre-implementation communication. What makes this…
Read MoreTime-Saving Tip: Yuka
If you are concerned about your health, but don’t have a whole lot of extra time to research the safety of what you put into and onto your body, the Yuka app can help you. I’d made a comment to one of my doctors that it’s hard to know which products are healthy and…
Read MoreHow to Dispose of External Hard Drives and USB Drives
Cybersecurity expert Bryce Austin of TCE Strategy shares an extremely helpful monthly newsletter with a round-up of cybersecurity tips. If you don’t already receive it, you can subscribe here. A number of my clients have recently asked about how to safely dispose of their personal laptop computers and storage devices, both from an…
Read MoreHow to Unsubscribe from Catalogs and Other Junk Mail
Do you get annoyed or – worse – overwhelmed by the amount of credit card offers, catalogs and other junk mail you need to sort through in your mail pile? If you receive even just a couple of pieces per day, the time it takes to sort, review and discard or shred can really add…
Read MoreTime Management: Can You Utilize AI to Get Unstuck?
In the last two months, I’ve had more conversations about AI (Artificial Intelligence) than in all of the previous years combined. Granted, AI didn’t seem like a real prospective tool for the general population until a few years ago, but it seems like every time I open up my email inbox, there’s an announcement about,…
Read MoreIs the Facebook Settlement Legit?
If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while, you know that I’m vigilant about proactive cybersecurity. You’ll save time, stress and resources if you can avoid any fraud, scams and hacks. I’ve discussed Facebook’s (now Meta’s) multitude of privacy breaches, and I advise my clients not to utilize Facebook Messenger. I removed that app…
Read MoreCyber Security Tips Round Up – VPNs and Password Protecting Files
Every month, Bryce Austin of TCE Strategy (Technology and Cybersecurity Education) shares an e-newsletter filled with cyber security updates and helpful tips. This month he shared information about password protecting files: “Do you want to keep a file safe from your IT team? Co-workers? Hackers? Here is a terrific article on how to password protect…
Read MoreDigital Document Storage + Organizing Your Digital Life
I was recently contacted by Dustin Lao of, a digital document storage service as well as password manager. In doing a little bit of research about this company, I found several recommendations from elder care websites that stated Easeenet’s “legacy contact” function was quite helpful. Even though there might be up to a 30-day…
Read MoreA Mobile Scanning Option from DropBox
Last fall, DropBox publicized its scanning function. If you’re a customer of DropBox and you don’t yet have a mobile scanning option, you might consider testing this out to see if it’s a mobile scanning option that will save you time. Here’s what DropBox shared in one of their publicity releases: “Never lose track of…
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