Coping with COVID-19 Fatigue

Have you been experiencing any changes in energy levels or moods? My household just finished week seven of sheltering in place. I noticed a downswing in my focus, energy and optimism in the past seven days. When I analyzed these changes in me, I realized that I’m experiencing what I call COVID-19 fatigue. Basically, I’m…

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How to Apply for SBA PPP Loan

I’ve just finished the application process for the SBA PPP Loan, the special program the federal government recently rolled out as a result of the current Coronavirus COVID-19 situation. A close business contact of mine who is extremely knowledgeable about and involved in government policies related to businesses spurred me into action because this was…

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How to Increase Internet Speed for Video Conferencing

You might have been wondering of late how to increase your internet speed for video conferencing. As most of America has transitioned to work from home as we shelter in place during this COVID-19 crisis, that means we’re all using the internet to communicate for work, school and family connections. If you thought you had…

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