Custom Content for Time Management Workshops, Trainings and Break-Out Sessions

I want to help you achieve your success goal as the conference director.

I want to help you achieve your success goal as the conference director or HR manager.

I believe in completing as much research as possible about your organization and participants in order to make their attendance at your conference as beneficial as possible. I want your participants to walk away saying, “That was the best workshop ever! I learned so much about time management!”

This means that as the event coordinator or meeting professional, you and I will be spending some time on the phone discussing goals and objectives. If at all possible, I’d like the registrants to fill out a survey – the information from which will be used to customize even more the strategies I’ll teach in my time management keynote or time management workshop.

Get your wheels a-churnin’ for our chat!

Time Management Workshop and Keynote Speaker Information

Time management keynotes are 60-90 minutes. Time management workshops, concurrent sessions and break-out sessions can range from 60 minutes to three hours to a full day, depending on the needs and goals for your company, school, or organization. I can bring one of these popular time management workshop topics to your location, or I can create a custom workshop for you. Contact me to discuss your options.


Popular time management workshop topics from The Inefficiency AssassinTM include:

  • How to Prevent and Beat Back Procrastination
  • How to Decrease Interruptions and Distractions
  • Negotiating Time: Manage Your Time Even When Those Around You Put Up Roadblocks
  • Ten Biggest Productivity Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
  • Paperless Society: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire! How to Manage the Onslaught
  • LOL / TTL / [SPAM]: How to Slay the Electronic Dragon
  • Zen-baya: How to Create a Productive Space
  • How Should You Really Use Your Time? The 5 Keys to Controlling Your Work Day
  • Kick Chaos to the Curb: Time Management Strategies to Help You Kick Butt and Take Names
  • How to Be a Successful Entrepreneur and Still Have a Life

You get the idea.

Depending on your company’s needs, we can provide downloadable resources, handouts, follow-up and aftercare to ensure that learning and implementation happen beyond just the day of your event!

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Time-saving Tools and Tips you can use immediately!