Hints for Writing Testimonials
Howdy! As a business owner, I rely on referrals and testimonials from kind folks like you in order to secure new business. If you're worried about writing "the perfect testimonial," or if you're in a time crunch and are afraid you might forget to do this later, this form is just for you!
Simply answer the questions below. We'll run it through spell check for you, so no worries about any goofs! If you're wondering where your comments will appear, take a peek here. By the way, answering the first two questions will do more than help me – they’ll also get your brain a-churnin’ and direct your focus to your time management goals. How efficient! Thank you for taking the time to do this!
If you're not a "form" type of person, here are some thoughts that will help you write a quick testimonial:
I’ve spent years crafting a creative way to teach people how to improve their personal productivity and time management skills. I hope that you’ve been able to tell that I’ve taken a dry subject, used science to develop realistic solutions , and brought in pop culture, stories and case studies to help you learn in a more enjoyable and memorable way. (If you agree, please include that in your testimonial!)
As a small business owner, I compete with large "training machines." They crank out canned, scripted workshops presented by trainers who haven't necessarily spent their entire adult lives studying the topic that they're presenting. That’s why I rely on testimonials from kind folks like you in order to secure new business with companies that truly value the welfare of their employees. I also rely on referrals to your colleagues who might need a trainer or consultant for their company or a keynote speaker for their conference.
I'm flattered by the number of folks who say, "Let me know if you need a testimonial!"
But sometimes those same folks don't know how to verbalize what they'd like to get across. So, here are a few tips to help you do that.
Who reads these testimonials anyway?
*Meeting professionals, event planners, program directors...people who want to know that they're getting a quality speaker who will share important take-aways with their members or employees.
What do these folks want to know?
*Am I one of those speakers who talks about a multitude of subjects (marketing, leadership, communication, sales, productivity, etc.), or am I an expert on my subject who has hands-on experience in the field?
*Do I motivate the audience to succeed?
*Am I dry and boring or at least somewhat humorous and entertaining?
*Does the majority of the audience walk away with an actionable piece of advice - a strategy to follow, a change to make, or a tactic to implement that day?
*Was I rude or easy to work with behind the scenes?
*Did I handle your requests in a timely manner?
If you could write two or three sentences that answer two or more of the above questions and drop that in an email to me, that would be fantastic!
Thank you!

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1140 S. Laredo St.
Suite 830852
San Antonio, TX 78283