How much time should you spend on email?

A writer for Better Homes and Gardens contacted me with questions about how much time should be spent on email. Here was her request: “For one of the illustrations, we would like to show a five-day calendar with periods of time scheduled for responding to emails. How much time do you recommend people block off…

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CC vs BCC email – STOP using the TO line!

CC vs BCC email. What’s the cc meaning? What’s the bcc meaning? Once you find out, you’ll want to share this with others! Unnecessary emails. They are such a waste of time! Even if you know that you don’t need to read the email, you’re still wasting time deleting it and wasting even more time reading the subject line to figure…

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How to Create a Professional Email Signature Template

A professional email signature template might sound like a low priority in the grand scheme of things and really just some silly work minutiae, but having the proper information in your email signature can end up saving time. While recently providing time management training for a company, I was in contact with many employees in…

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