Posts Tagged ‘New Year’s Resolutions’
How to Make New Year’s Resolutions and Succeed
A journalist posed a list of questions related to making and keeping new year’s resolutions. Even though in last week’s post I addressed the topic of making and accomplishing goals, I thought I’d offer additional recommendations by sharing my answers to the journalist’s questions here: Q1 – Please explain why it’s a good idea…
Read MoreNew Year’s Resolutions – Been There, Done That?
I meet more and more people who no longer commit to New Year’s Resolutions. Some of them have realized that they can make changes at any time of year, and this is terrific. But many of them have simply given up on attempting to make a change because they’ve been unsuccessful in the past. This…
Read MoreHow to Be Successful with New Year’s Resolutions
How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions on Day 3 of 2019? Are you still excited? Are you still working toward them? Or have you already considered throwing in the towel? If you’re still revved up about your New Year’s Resolutions, congratulations! Take a few moments to think about what is keeping…
Read MoreChange Management Plan – A Chat with Maureen Anderson
One of my favorite interviewers, Maureen Anderson, host of the show Doing What Works, contacted me about doing an interview related to minimum viable progress and having a change management plan. To listen to our interview from February 10, 2018, about using a change management plan, click here. Here are some of our discussion points…
Read MoreNew Year’s Resolutions: Smart Goal Setting at Any Time of Year
No, you’re not in a time warp! It’s not New Year’s. In fact, we’re six months past it – or six months ahead of it, depending on your perspective. Aside from parties, the term “New Year’s” often conjures up thoughts of New Year’s Resolutions. New Year’s Resolutions are simply goals. Smart goal setting can happen…
Read MoreHow to Be Successful with New Year’s Resolutions
Did you know that only eight percent of Americans are successful with their New Year’s Resolutions? That seems crazy, doesn’t it? That means 92% of people who make resolutions don’t make good on them. Why does that happen? For starters, the top New Year’s Resolutions involve life changes. Google “top five New Year’s Resolutions.” Each…
Read MoreNew Year's Resolutions – Ever had pepper stuck in your nose?
I wanted to start off the year with my New Year’s Resolution of zero boxed or canned food. Chopped red bell pepper for the bison chili – done! Chopped onions and poblano pepper for the cornbread – done! Despite the fact that tears were streaming from my eyes by the time my knife came down…
Read MoreImprove productivity by organizing your personal life – tips from a women’s keynote productivity speaker
Women’s Keynote Productivity Speaker Touts the Value of Home Organization On January 6, 2015, I appeared with Great Day SA co-host Eileen Teves on CBS KENS 5 for a segment about how to get organized in the new year. As a speaker, while I deliver keynotes and workshops about how to improve productivity at work, one helpful way…
Read MoreTime Management Tips – Get a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions!
Time Management Tips – Get a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions! Every January 1st, 75% of Americans select getting organized or improving their time management as one of their top five New Year’s Resolutions. It’s right up there with quitting smoking and losing weight. That’s terrific! If everyone implemented more time management tips…
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