Time Management Tip – Take Charge of Change Week


Did you know that July 5 – July 12 is Take Charge of Change Week? (Who in the world creates all of these “holidays”??) Most folks try to implement massive amounts of change on January 1st for their New Year’s Resolutions. Unfortunately, most resolutions fall by the wayside because the changes are chosen but not…

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Time Management Workshops – a waste of time or an investment?

Time Management Workshop Presenter - BCPO FAQ session at NAPO Conference 2014

I’m blessed to be able to travel the country and present time management workshops. When meeting planners approach me about planning a time management workshop, they inevitably ask how much time I’ll need. My standard answer is, “My preference is a minimum of two hours. What I’d actually love, however, is a two-hour workshop in…

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Time Management Workshop Tip in Honor of Small Business Week

Back in March, I had the opportunity to assist Goodwill Chattanooga with their spring donations drive. I’ve teamed up with Goodwill over the last five years because of the win-win synergy we create. My time management clients have a place to donate the excess from their work and personal spaces (and get a tax deduction…

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#Productivity – How many vacation days do you take?

Male and female keynote speakers who I’ve met on the speaking circuit love vacations. Do you? Apparently, most of America does not. In 2013, American workers took an average of only 16 of the 21 vacation days given to them. Yikes! Like other keynote speakers, I do a fair amount of traveling around the country.…

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Productivity Tools – Office Products Showcased at NAPO Conference 2015


Back in April, I attended and presented at NAPO’s (National Association of Professional Organizers) annual conference and expo. It’s a chance to catch up with colleagues from around the world, attend courses that will better my understanding of behavioral changes, and test drive new productivity tools on the market. Productivity Tools for Paper Storage (Files!)…

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Productivity Tools – a Post-It note?

Productivity Tools from Time Management Keynote Speaker Helene Segura

    Inc. Magazine recently sent out a call for “Most Bizarre and Effective Productivity Hacks.” (Hacks are “shortcuts.”) Just for kicks, I thought it would be bizarre to suggest a hack that relies on “old school” office supplies instead of modern technology. This is the productivity tool I submitted:

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