Testimonials for Time Management Keynotes, Training and Breakout Sessions

"Helene provided useful tools for us to identify and manage our team’s main time leaks. The training was particularly important since we are all working remotely since the beginning of the pandemic and juggling not only work, but family life and other responsibilities. We highly recommend Helene’s work."

“We brought Helene Segura in as a guest expert for an inaugural education and donation drive. Our three day event included live television, radio remotes, video spots and community seminars. She also conducted a lunch-and-learn with our staff on prioritizing tasks and schedules. Helene appealed to all audiences and“performed” flawlessly. Comments received from seminar participants, staff and media partners were all extremely positive. With this being a first-year event, Helene had some great suggestions we were able to incorporate and she was very smooth in handling the changes that had to be made. She certainly exemplifies and represents her productivity field very well in all that she did for our event.”
-Kevin Beirne, Director of Development, Chattanooga Goodwill Industries

“I met you at the DO Summit that Topgolf had in the fall. I’m having a Marketing Summit in February and they had heard such wonderful things about you that they would love to have you at their summit. Can you help us?”
- Lisa Ferguson, Travel and Events Specialist, Topgolf

"Before Helene's keynote at the APDO Conference in London, I felt overwhelmed - unclear about what and how to prioritize. I now have some concrete strategies to implement and ideas to follow up. I have been inspired to invest more time in my business. Helene gave clear and inspiring advice!"
- Hannah Young, Revive Your Space, London, England

“Helene did a phenomenal job from start to finish! I was most grateful for the way that her message motivated and re-energized me to THINK and become better organized. Thank YOU. Your passion shows! And, you’re right; organization brings peace. Thank you for waking me up and recharging my battery.”
-Tyra Timmons, Administrative Assistant to the Board of Trustees and Superintendent, Fort Sam Houston ISD

"Helene’s simple tools provided guidance on how to run effective business meetings. This alone will save me hours every day!"
-Jill Wineman, General Manager, Scotts Bluff Country Club, Scottsbluff, NE

"I am thoroughly enjoying your training thus far. I feel like you really took the time to listen to our individual concerns in the short conversations we each had with you prior to the training and that you created a training that properly addressed those concerns and have offered legitimate ideas and solutions. I can honestly state that out of all of the trainings I have attended at Plymouth Rock that I feel as if this is the one that has resonated with me and that I can apply to my daily life as I proceed forward....Thank you so much for the time that you have dedicated to us and for offering assistance to help better manage the daily tasks that are expected to be completed by us all."
-Alexz Ehlers, Claims Property Damage, Plymouth Rock Assurance

"Helene helped me to identify exactly how much available time I have in a given work day. I shifted meetings to afternoons so that I can use my most productive morning hours for my priorities. Helene used a variety of media, she kept the audience moving. The entire presentation was enjoyable. I enjoyed working with Helene very much. She was on time, professional and fun! I would highly recommend Helene for future events."
-Grace Pizzey, Vice President Finance at Holaday Parks/ President of CFMA Puget Sound, Seattle, WA

"Helene Segura is a problem solver for me. There is nothing that she can't figure out and work it out."
- Mary Alice Cisneros, President, American Sunrise

“I contracted Helene Segura to present a Time Management workshop to real estate agents at ReMax North. After all, if we’re going to pull our agents in from the field, the program we provide needs to be worth it....Her tips are easy to understand, so they are more likely to get implemented right away.”
-Gwen Derry, Sales Executive, Trinity Title

"Time management is a constant battle….Awesome engagement from Helene. Held my attention the entire time!"
-Brad Roberson, Vice President, Texas Business Buyers

Helene is very down to earth and relatable.
Helene is super professional, organized, and reliable. We are very glad we booked her!
- Allison Dumas, Program Committee, CFN Participants Conference New Orleans, LA

"I was completely blown away. The people who were sitting at my table were equally impressed. The way Helene was able to customize her presentation to everyone there and keep everyone engaged was impressive."
- Mark Vasquez, Training and Developmenet Manager, New York Life

"Thank you so much for speaking at the ADCAT Conference. Your session got rave reviews and was a real eye opener! I have already read a few chapters of your book and already feel like I am getting more done. Awareness is everything.
I also wanted to thank you so much for working with us to come up with a fee that our association could afford. It was greatly appreciated and will not be forgotten. You have our full endorsement and we are happy to distribute any materials you like to our mailing list or assist you in any way to get the word out about your great program.
Thanks again and I hope to have the opportunity to work with you again in the near future!"
-Blanca Laborde, Legal and Government Relations Consultant, Executive Director of ADCAT

"Thank you again for your funny and engaging presentation at the Boerne Business Conference. You were most definitely a 'hit' with the attendees! I hope that we will be able to have you back soon for a more in depth workshop."
-Barbara Hooks, Director of Programs and Events, Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce

"Helene was wonderful! She made me actually think about the number of minutes I was wasting in a day with distractions, like checking my phone."
-Sunny Chambless, Project REP Program Coordinator, University of West Alabama

Wow! You have an amazing way of reminding us of what we should already know! Fabulous presentation. Will definitely help me finish a major project I’m working on.
-Janet Spies, Trainer/Consultant, Austin Small Business Festival

"Fellow Chairs,
I have had the pleasure of watching and observing Helene for 2 straight days. I have to say that I will definitely bring her back.
- has sustained energy throughout the whole day
- she walks around and stops at the tables to engage them and get them to actually apply, right then and there, her strategies....and she continually does this the entire day...not just once per table
- she adds humor to her presentation
- she is very aware of staying on time and keeps everyone on track
- She ends at 4 pm and does NOT try to rush in the afternoon to leave early
- she enjoys answering questions from attendees after the day is done...instead of running out the door in front of attendees while saying she has to catch a plane
- She is very professional and really works hard all day to make sure all of the attendees are very happy they came.
I will bring her back now that I know who she is and how she works. I think she is wonderful!
Whoever found her did a fabulous job."
-Evangelia Zouras, Chairman, New Jersey and New York Regions
IMS - The Institute For Management Studies

“I am a very organized person, but I had a lot pile up on me and wasn’t sure how to dig out. Working with Helene was like psychotherapy. She helped me figure out why things were happening and taught me a better way to get focused.”
-Linda Ratner, RN, BSN, CMPE, Executive Director, Impact Urgent

"I found I was really surprised by the pitfalls of being a mega multi-tasker. I have started making a running list of everything that I need to get done and crossing them off one by one. Instead of trying to do multiple things at once and feeling like I never accomplish anything. I have found sticking to one task at a time, I get it done faster, and seeing my list get red lines through items, makes me realize I am accomplishing more than I gave myself credit for."
-Leah Munoz, CFO/KL MGR, Nickey Petroleum, CFN Participant Conference, New Orleans, LA

Focused as they are on their own classrooms, teachers are a tough audience during opening in-service meetings. Helene is an ideal presenter at times like these. She offers practical advice for managing stress and being better organized, and her own experience as a teacher creates an empathetic connection with her audience. Helene’s presentation style is entertaining and natural ––she helps teachers “lighten up” not only their moods, but also, through improved efficiency, their workloads.
-Chuck Raymer, Head of School, The Montessori School of San Antonio

My take-aways were: Surround yourself with a good team; decide what’s important to you; the measure of a “successful” life is based on what is important to YOU. What I liked best about Helene’s presentation style is she’s energetic, funny, and captured the room’s attention.

“In a time crunched world where employees are doing more with less, Helene helped us contemplate on what our biggest priorities are and how to schedule them so we accomplish these first. Helene connected her presentation with our university’s core values and showed employees how to take the time needed to ensure a productive day and an overall much less stressful life.”
-Sonya Ganther, PHR, SHRM-CP, Director of Human Resources, Viterbo University

“You were great! My goal is that each attendee walks away with at least one piece of advice they can use. I noticed that everyone in the audience was nodding their heads and writing things down while you were speaking. Thank you!”
-Esmeralda Gonzalez, Education Coordinator, TASBO (Texas Association of School Business Officials)

“Everyone is doing VERY well. They all have mentioned numerous times how impactful your visit and training was. We are so grateful for your guidance and service!”
-Asia Ciaravino, CEO, The Playhouse SA

“Helene Segura is one of the most dynamic speakers I have heard in my professional career. She is energizing, motivating, and funny. Her down to earth approach in keeping one on task has been very beneficial.Efficiency is an ongoing problem in a public school business office due to the many interruptions throughout the day.However, with the strategies taught in Helene’s workshops I have learned to minimize many of those distractions and stay on task.Utilizing her objectives and action plan has enabled me to accomplish more and check items off of the to-do list.I HIGHLY recommend spending the time to attend one of Helene’s Productivity Workshops.”
-Sherylene Williams, Business Manager TASBO Red River Retreat

"I was very impressed and intrigued by your Keynote presentation on “Kick Chaos to the Curb.” After talking with numerous [FASPA] folks from all over the state, just about everyone feels the same way between the work load we all carry, considering cut backs and time constraints, I am confident I was not the only one that found your presentation to be inspirational….After being so motivated during your “Kick Chaos to the Curb” and “Liar, Liar Pants on Fire!” presentations, I was excited to share the concept of having you inspire our folks in Charlotte County. I am excited about this possibility and look forward to hearing back from you!"
-Jane Curran, In-Service Specialist, Charlotte County Public Schools, Florida

I knew Helene was smart and I now realize just how smart she is. Her insidious plan almost worked –I started down the path of checking out all the links in her after-presentation email, thereby not managing my time! I mean this as a high compliment. Her content is compelling. One tactic that I will immediately implement is at the end of the day, write the top 3 items for the next day’s “to do” list. That way, I start every day knowing what has to be done. Helene could make the closing argument to any jury. And win!
-Susan Kilgore, Former Assistant United States Attorney

“In attendance at the workshop Helene presented at the Enterprising Women’s Conference were women from all walks of life, with various leadership levels within their companies, and at varying career stages. Each person who attended was able to walk away with a tip that they could immediately apply to improve their organization. She didn’t just issue a top ten list of supplies or tools; she discussed mindset and planning, which we learned are so critical to being successful with projects. I heard several of the attendees come up to her afterwards and say, 'This was not what I expected, and I loved it!'”
-Yolanda Crittenden, Enterprising Women's Conference

-Mike Asmus District Director, U.S. Congress

“Thank you, Helene, so much for presenting for the second year in a row at AAHCC. Our attendance for the meeting was one of the largest for the year. We received a lot of positive feedback from the membership and attendees. Personally, every time I hear you speak I take something back with me that I can use immediately and save time.....that day. We look forward to having you back next year.”
-Kameron Chicoine, Vice President, AAHCC

"I felt the same way that your client did in your story! I didn’t have time to think about time management. I loved your presentation. Brought attention to major deficits with my daily schedule. Clear, precise strategies that are easily implemented into anyone’s schedule."
-Laurie Broesche, Owner, NexMov, LLC

"It was so entertaining while being informative! The time flew!"
-Bridget Peck, Vice President of Audit & Compliance, Platte Valley Bank, Scottsbluff, NE

Again –thanks so much for your participation with our conference.It was a huge hit!
-Tom Dunn, COO Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions Florida

This workshop helped me realize where my time is being wasted. It helped my team stay focused during planning, and we got more planned....I liked the setup and structure. I enjoyed learning about time management and organizing, then being given timeto practice what we learned.
-Kelsey Kittrell, Teacher Sumner County Schools Tennessee

Helene is an engaging speaker –giving useful tips in an illustrative yet succinct manner. I’ll be sure to try her CIA method.
-Chrystie T. Nguyen, Process Development and Improvement DLA Piper

"You are a true angel and a blessing to Texas Business Women!! Thank you for your generous spirit and giving heart.
I wish I had taken more time at the conference to spend with you and thank you for the presentation and ideas - I have incorporated several of the techniques into my routine already....I'm discovering so much about myself and habits. I'm thankful for what I've gained from your knowledge and experience."
- Doris Slay-Barber, President, Texas Business Women, Inc.

I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at the Small Business Festival in Austin six months ago. As a result, I still tell my time what to do on a daily basis. Your talk left me feeling inspired, productive, and motivated, and I have not lost my momentum.This morning, I was selecting two business books to read from Austin Public Library. I was so excited to seeThe Inefficiency Assassinon the list of new, available eBooks! I can not wait to read it and share with everyone I know.I am so thankful you are sharing your gift withthe world. You are a total rockstar, and people need to hear what you have to say.
Keep rockin’, rockstar –and Gig ‘Em!
- Hannah Ashby, Founder and Chief Riddler Riddles of Life, Smarty Skirt, LLC

“I never realized how distracted I could be until I implemented some of your tips. I became focused and got so much more done! I like how you explained why things go wrong, then gave us the tools to solve our problems. Great workshop!”

“What a pleasure it was to have you as our WCR speaker!! I was not the only person exclaiming that you were one of the best speakers we’ve ever had!! You were not only helpful, but a true delight. Thanks so much again!”

"We have received excellent feedback already for our luncheon on Wednesday. Everyone seemed to love Helene’s energy as well as enjoy her presentation. I have received a few emails from people stating they benefited greatly from her time efficiency presentation.
She truly was a joy to have and the board members and members that were able to meet her and speak with her were quite pleased.
She made sure we had everything we needed and the event overall was a tremendous success! I can’t thank her enough for taking the time to come out here and work with us so graciously with everything.
Thank you for your recommendation, we would love to have her up again."
-Sasha Fleenor, BSA Officer, Scottsbluff, NE

"Helene, we received great reviews from our members regarding your presentation. Some feel in their case it was life changing. Thank you so much for the time you spent with us!"
-Carolyn Hevey, President, FASPA (Florida Association of School Personnel Administrators), Tampa, Florida

“Helene Segura offers a practical approach to productivity and makes the necessity of organization an enjoyable journey. She provides real world tips for real world day-to-day solutions. Not only is Helene an expert on organization, she’s a genuine joy to work with!”

“Your tips are so simple, but important. I like the personal touch – including responses from our surveys. I liked the way you walked around the room. Great workshop! Our teachers love it!”
I’ve been a teacher for 12 years, and this is the first time I actually ‘listened’ at a workshop and learned some good information and ideas.”
“Your tips are so simple, but important. I like the personal touch – including responses from our surveys. I liked the way you walked around the room. Great workshop! Our teachers love it!”
I’ve been a teacher for 12 years, and this is the first time I actually ‘listened’ at a workshop and learned some good information and ideas.”
Realizing that although I am now retired, there are still projects that need to be time managed was a big “a-ha” for me.To calendar items I want to accomplish and not rely on my memory is a tactic that I learned and will start implementing. What I liked best about Helene’s presentation was her use of analogy to make her points. A helpful approach that promotes recall.
Dorcas Sampson USAA
"I’ve thought about you so often since we worked together last (school) year! Your time, encouragement, support, help…everything, still mean so much to me…. I have been reading your book for teachers more this summer and am reminded of what I can and cannot do and what is and is not my responsibility. As I mentioned, your words and encouragement help me. I have worked on purging paper and other items and writing out possible schedules for the coming school year….
I so hope that you can feel my respect and appreciation for you from Virginia! I wish you all the best!"
-Erika, Teacher, Virginia

Get your complimentary PRODUCTIVITY
Time-saving Tools and Tips you can use immediately!
210-892-4990 office@helenesegura.com
1140 S. Laredo St.
Suite 830852
San Antonio, TX 78283