LivingOrder San Antonio is the official name of my company. This is why my social media “call sign” is LivingOrderSA. When I started to grow the speaking portion of my business, I was told that having a localized business name (especially one that wasn’t located on the east or west coast) wouldn’t be good for drawing in a national audience, so I moved my business name to the footer area.
A Virtual Master Presenter (VMP) recipient has attended instructor-led training. The VMP badge is only offered to individuals who previously earned the Certified Virtual Presenter (CVP) badge. Where the CVP ensures that a presenter has the right equipment and environment, the VMP ensures that a presenter knows how to use those virtual tools in a way that makes their presentations outstanding. Get details here about what criteria were tested.
Certified Virtual Presenters (CVP) have demonstrated their lighting, audio, and technical ability to one of eSpeaker's certifiers. eSpeakers has tested and recorded their bandwidth and even captured a video of them in virtual action so that you can see it for yourself. Get details here about what criteria were tested.

I’m a proud member of the National Speakers Association. In order to be accepted, you must have presented a minimum of 20 speaking engagements in the 12 months prior to applying. This association provides educational support and training for professional speakers around the world.

Back in 2006 when I first went into business, “Time Management Consultant” wasn’t a known term yet. So I started my business in a growing industry – professional organizing – which would allow me to follow my passion, which is teaching people how to live more peaceful personal and work lives by becoming more organized and more productive. I’m very proud of this CPO credential because it was very difficult to achieve, which is why fewer than 400 productivity and organizing consultants in the world have it. In order to qualify to sit for the rigorous exam, you must have acquired at least 1500 hours of paid consulting experience in only three years prior to application. And then you must past the standardized exam. I’ve been board-certified since 2009. To learn more about my certification status, you can do that here.

The True Tilt Personality Profile is one that I use with my clients. It's somewhat similar to DISC or Myers-Briggs assessments, but I find that the True Tilt's debrief is much more helpful and easier to understand. It also gives you actionable next steps to take whether you want to approve your individual performance or your interactions and relationships with others. You can get more information about True Tilt here.

This isn't a podcast in the traditional sense because I don't interview guests, but it is an auditory way to get time management tips and advice. You can find Time Management Revolution with Helene Segura wherever you download your podcasts.

I've been a member of the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO) since 2008. It was through my membership in NAPO that I became involved with the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers (BCPO) and helped to build that credential. (See above for details.)

Golden Circle is the "honor ring" that NAPO created to honor those who have been a part of the organization for at least five years. In 2023, I received my 15-year recognition.

Timesaving Tools and Tips you can use immedeatly!
210-892-4990 office@helenesegura.com
1140 S. Laredo St.
Suite 830852
San Antonio, TX 78283