Posts Tagged ‘Prepared’
How to Make Meetings More Productive
A common complaint I hear from clients and workshop participants is how much time their meetings waste. The biggest mistake meeting organizers often make is not deciding on “the why” behind a meeting. In this video, I discuss with the creator of Meeting for Goals software, Hadi Ossaily, the key components for making meetings…
Read MoreBack to School Preparation for Teachers
Back to school preparation for teachers has been pretty standard in the past. If you’ve been teaching for a while, you know the drill. Your school district releases the next school year’s calendar in the spring, and you mark your first professional development date for the fall on your calendar. Once school is done for…
Read MoreNational Preparedness Month – Why wait until September?
National Preparedness Month is not until September, but why wait until then to be ready for anything? June 1st is the first day of hurricane season. For many, wildfire danger has already begun. There are also tornados, earthquakes, volcano eruptions…Mother Nature sure knows how to throw it at us! But what about man-made disasters? A…
Read MoreLessons Learned from Hurricane Harvey
As my husband and I sealed up our Netflix DVDs on Monday morning, he noticed that the mailing address was in Houston. It was surreal to think that there wasn’t a Houston to mail anything to because it was underwater. This country has gone through natural disasters before, but when it hits this close to…
Read MoreHow to Prepare for Surgery: Top 6 things to do the day of and following
Welcome to Part 3 in my How to Prepare for Surgery series! This post deals with what you should consider doing the day of surgery, as well as in the days immediately following. 1) Have your list of questions. If you haven’t already asked, be sure that you know the answers to these before you…
Read MoreHow to Prepare for Surgery: Top 9 things to do the week before
Welcome to Part 2 in my How to Prepare for Surgery series! This post deals with what you should consider doing in the days leading up to your scheduled surgery. 1) Clean your house. What?? Besides the fact that a cleaner house is nicer to come home to, consider how painful a sneeze or cough…
Read MoreHow to Prepare for Surgery: Top 4 things to do as soon as surgery is mentioned
“How to Prepare for Surgery.” This is an odd subject for a time management and productivity blog, isn’t it? After all, what the heck does prepping for surgery have to do with time and efficiency? Well, if you’ve ever peeked at any of the books that I’ve written, you know that I’m a firm believer…
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