What does Helene Segura's standard daily consulting fee include?
Helene Segura’s standard daily consulting fee includes: *Discussion of your objectives and needs with your company/organization liaison*Pre-assessment of attendees: The company’s liaison will be sent a link to a poll to distribute to the staff who will be involved.*Preparation of customized content: The answers to the aforementioned poll questions will be used do design the curriculum for workshops and one-on-one sessions.*Helene handling all of her own travel arrangements (less work for you!) *Arriving the evening before and participating in a “meet and greet” or dinner with your leadership*Arriving onsite on the day of the consulting by 7:30 AM to run through sound and screen checks and participate in breakfast activities (meet with the board, leadership, VIPs, special attendees, etc., for a private Q&A)*Presenting a customized 60- to 90-minute training/workshop from 8:30 – 9:30/10:00 A.M.*Consulting with individuals after the morning training*Participating in lunch activities (meet with the board, leadership, VIPs, special attendees, etc., for a private Q&A)*Facilitating a debriefing session from 3:00 – 3:30 P.M. This will include sharing observations and recommendations based on the day’s intake, as well as a Q&A session to field questions after attendees have had the chance to start implementing what was learned in the morning training.*A written debrief of observations and recommendations, delivered within two business days following the site visit*Aftercare: Copies of The Inefficiency Assassin: Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer. Some folks take a little longer to absorb the information and learn it well enough to implement on a daily basis. Helene would be happy to present follow up workshops and consulting, but this book will help fill in any gaps when she’s not present in your office. Travel expenses are separate and will be kept to a minimum.If you need to adhere to specific federal guidelines, grant stipulations, or other requirements that affect finances, please share your line item budget parameters with Helene so that she can help you figure out a way to make this happen and assist your team.Investing in your employees, members, and/or clients is an immensely important part of improving and growing. You will be the hero when you provide your people with a consultant who will share knowledge and practical tips that will help them with leadership development, time management, team building and change management. Go you!