Summer Elixir aka Gin and Tonic or Vodka Tonic Recipe

It can get pretty darn hot in the summer where we live. We can hit 100 degrees in May and hover around that mark until September. It’s extremely important to stay hydrated, so we drink a gallon or more of water each day. But sometimes you need something refreshing with a little more zing.
Gin and Tonic or Vodka Tonic
Gin or Vodka
Cubed Ice
Precise Recipe
½ cup cubed ice – Drop this into a glass.
2 ½ oz gin or vodka – Pour this over the ice.
6 oz tonic – Pour this into the gin or vodka.
½ lime – Squeeze every last drop into the glass.
Stir gently three times.
Hurry Up Recipe
Cubed ice – Fill glass half-way.
Gin or Vodka – Fill 1/3 of your glass.
Tonic – Fill your glass almost to the top.
Lime – Squeeze every last drop into the glass.
If you don’t have a utensil to stir with (maybe someone stole the knife you just used to cut your lime?), swirl your glass gently a few times.
To your health! Did you know that gin and tonic was used in the 1800’s by British soldiers to prevent malaria? And citrus helped sailors avoid scurvy. It’s a health drink!
Tonic – We prefer unflavored, non-diet tonic – too many additives and multi-syllabic ingredients. If you’re cutting back on carbs, consider using club soda. But if you can sacrifice your carbs elsewhere, stick with the tonic!
Flavor – Consider adding a splash of elderflower liqueur for a slightly different but still refreshing flavor. Some people prefer lemon instead of lime. We’ve been served these drinks with fresh basil or rosemary dropped in the glass. Enjoy experimenting!
Fewer utensils to wash – stir using the knife you used to cut the lime.
Avoid cooties – don’t drop the lime in your glass unless you’ve washed it.