5 Steps to Declutter Your Desk
Time Management Strategies: How to clear your desk in a hurry
It happens more often than we’d like. Paper will often sneak up on us and bite us in the rear. This happens especially during and after tax time and whenever we’re in the middle of big projects. So, what are some quick time management strategies to dig out of the situation and get back on track?
1. Have a large trash can, recycling bin and shredder located nearby.
2. Designate a specific area or container for the safe-keeping of current action papers that you come across.
3. Set up boxes for papers that need to be archived – examples: clients, projects, meeting notes, etc.
4. Start with your desktop. Divide it up into squares, like a checkerboard. You can do this figuratively in your mind, or you can physically use string. Sort through one “square” at a time.
5. Once you finish your desk top, you can move to one drawer at a time. If your office needs decluttering as well, you can work your way around the room in the same fashion.
Important time management strategies:
Keep in mind that you don’t need to complete the decluttering project all in one day. Take 20 minutes each morning before your day starts, and you’ll be finished by the end of the week with your desk.
If you can go through this process once per quarter, it will take a lot less time.