Improve productivity by organizing your personal life – tips from a women’s keynote productivity speaker
Women’s Keynote Productivity Speaker Touts the Value of Home Organization
On January 6, 2015, I appeared with Great Day SA co-host Eileen Teves on CBS KENS 5 for a segment about how to get organized in the new year. As a speaker, while I deliver keynotes and workshops about how to improve productivity at work, one helpful way to increase productivity is to get your personal life in order.
The segment is not yet posted online, so while we’re waiting for that, here are some quick tips to help you get started organizing:
Improve productivity by getting organized in your personal life
Main message:
- We can be successful with our New Year’s Resolutions if we plan for them.
- There are some “hot spots” we can address to get kick started with getting organized.
Question: It’s a New Year. We want to get organized. Where should we start?
1. Funnel down from a broad goal to a narrow goal.
2. Base your goal on your pressure points – what’s bothering you every day?
Question: I’m busy. I don’t have time to take a full weekend to work on a project, so how will I get this done?
Use my Cinco PTM process:
1. Plan the steps you’ll need to take, as well as the resources you might need.
2. Pace yourself based on your work schedule, as well as your attention span and physical condition. Break the project down into small pieces you can work on each day.
3. Purge what you no longer love, use, or need. Donate those to a non-profit like Goodwill.
4. Partition your items into categories.
5. Place your daily items in easy-to-reach spaces and the rarely used items in not-so-accessible spaces.
Question: What are some easy projects we can work on?
1. Papers – set up a tax file so you have a spot to place all of the incoming documents you’ll receive this month.
2. Pantry – place the healthier food near the pantry door, making it easier to find and grab.
3. Medicine cabinet – remove the expireds and restock for cold – flu – allergy season.
4. Closet – make life easier for yourself in the morning by making your work clothes easier to see and reach.
By having an organized home, you’ll be able to:
*find medicine when you need it.
*know where everything is in your kitchen and pantry, so you can cook healthy meals.
*look inside your closet and see everything you own, which will allow you to choose your wardrobe in no time and walk out of the house in a calm manner.
*experience less stress in your personal life, so you’ll make better decisions at work about how you use your time.
Let the organizing begin!
Update: Click here to see the video!