Does Your Lack of Sleep and Breaks Affect Your Productivity?
During a workshop I was presenting on work-life balance, we discussed the importance of sleep and taking breaks.
The mantra I preach is:
Time management is all about mind management.
So, if you’re not taking care of your brain through sleep and taking breaks, then your brain won’t take good care of you. When your brain quits taking care of you, you’ll make less-than-stellar decisions about how to use your time. Therefore, the lesson to walk away with is:
Get at least seven hours of sleep each night and take breaks throughout the day.
All of the participants were nodding their heads in agreement as we discussed the various productivity benefits of sleep and breaks. One participant raised her hand and asked if there was any research to support this so that her analytical brain would believe what the intuitive part of her brain already believed.
I thought I’d share with you the research about how sleep and taking breaks affect your productivity:
A round up of research on the benefits of walking and taking breaks
Sleep and short breaks boost work engagement
Brain activity/working long stretches is not optimal for the brain
Sleep deficits lead to decreased productivity
For the complete guide to improving your productivity through sleep, taking breaks and other strategies, check out The Inefficiency Assassin: Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer.