Tips for Catching Up with Saving Your CEU Certificates
A few weeks ago, I shared my recommendations for why you should save your CEU certificates plus best practices for saving your proof of attendance.
Since then, several people have asked:
How can we quickly get caught up saving our CEU certificates if we’ve never done this before?
Great question! After all, you most likely don’t have a bunch of extra hours available this week for logging every course you’ve taken. So, here are my recommendations for getting caught up with saving your CEU certificates, as well as setting up a system that will prevent you from falling behind.
Catch up archiving CEU certificates:
*Start with this month.
*Work your way backwards month by month.
*Work your way back to the beginning of your current certification period. (If you don’t have a certification, you’re fairly safe to cap it at the previous three years.)
How to quickly locate your proof:
*Browse your calendar for courses.
*Search your email for keywords like course, session, certificate, “professional development”, “proof of attendance” and so on.
*Download the PDF they sent to you. If there’s no PDF, save (PDF) the email(s) that contain your proof of registration, any handouts, or other communication that shows you attended. If this is a critical course for your certification, it could be worth your time to contact the provider for your official certificate.
How to make time for this to happen:
*Set 30 minutes on your calendar each week for the upcoming month. If necessary, divide this into two 15-minute segments.
*After this first month, set a 15-minute appointment on your calendar on the last work day of each month to remind you to capture any certificates from courses you’ve taken since the last “save.”
*Procrastinate Productively – for the rest of this quarter, when you feel procrastination setting in, you can procrastinate productively by working on this project. Set your timer for 15 minutes. This is long enough to make more headway, but not so long that it will completely knock you off track for the rest of your day.
As I mentioned last time, even if you do not currently have to show proof of professional development or course completion certificates for CEUs, it doesn’t hurt to follow these recommendations now since you never know what professional path you might end up taking.
For more tips and strategies for document management, check out The Inefficiency Assassin: Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer.