How to Motivate Young People 10 to 25: Leading the Next Generation – And Making Your Own Life Easier
While flipping through radio stations as I drove to a client’s office, I happened upon an interview with David Yeager, who is a developmental psychologist. At first, I wasn’t terribly interested because I dropped in when they were discussing parenting a young child, but as I listened, I realized how important his knowledge and recommendations were. He discussed the common phrases adults use when speaking to kids and young adults, and why those phrases completely backfire because of how the brain is wired.
If you are interested in motivating young people – or just plain surviving dealing with them – I highly recommend you give it a listen or a read.
If you have, know or work with a teenager or young adult, David Yeager’s research and communication techniques are absolutely vital! If you are parenting a child, you’ll want to practice these techniques before they become teens.
If you work in an office with people who complain about “kids today” or “those millennials” (who are actually Gen Z) when referring to co-workers or direct reports in their early to mid-20’s, this information is also very helpful.
Here is the interview I listened to.
If you’d like to read about his research and, even more importantly, have all of his communication techniques at your fingertips, here’s his book:
If you don’t have time to read, it does come in an audio book format.
For tips on how to work more efficiently with others, check out The Inefficiency Assassin: Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer.