Living Virtually

Welcome to our new normal! As we navigate our current, ever-evolving coronavirus / COVID-19 situation, here are some resources to help you transition into working remotely and living virtually. As I find quality resources, I'll be adding to or replacing what's below, so check back weekly!


* Personal Health

How to Make a Face Mask

Psychological and Physical Health (on-demand webinar from Humana's VP of Wellness)



Re-Open Policies for each state - charts from NGA and MultiState


Video Conferencing – There are a variety of options like WebEx and Skype, but I've found that Zoom offers better price points and uses lower bandwidth.

If you've never worked with Zoom before, check out their tips page. I also have a Zoom tips page for clients here, including a link to the latest version with security patches.

If you're pretty familiar with Zoom but might need some refreshers, here are helpful videos from Zoom.

Slow internet? See this checklist.

Aggie Zoom Virtual Backgrounds


* Mass Communication via Text– Whether you text your clients all the time or have never communicated in that fashion before, you might be interested in finding an efficient way to stay in touch with them via text blasts with helpful tips or a positive message.

CliqLocal offers many services, and mass communication is one of them. Get more information here.

*Group Messaging - If you need to stay in contact with one or more small groups of people, there are apps that facilitate this.



*Snail Mail - If you want to track your expected mail, sign up for USPS Informed Delivery.

For factual updates on the Coronavirus situation (current mitigation procedures, outbreak numbers, etc.) as well as travel information, visit my COVID-19 updates page.

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