Time management books – The Inefficiency Assassin: Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer
The Inefficiency Assassin™ presents a revolution in time management books – a way to improve productivity and Kick Chaos to the Curb™ once and for all!
You will learn how to:
- Create productive calendars, yet morph time when you need to put out fires (or chase the opportunity of lifetime)
- Slay lost time and beat back overwhelm from procrastination, interruptions and distractions
- Implement productivity hacks so you can excel professionally and have a life outside of work

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When author Helene Segura was asked, “Does the world really need more time management books?” she responded with:
Seeing as how the majority of my clients have multiple productivity and time management books (including the best sellers) kicked off to the side, collecting dust…
I’d say, “Why yes, Virginia! There is a Santa Claus! And he and the rest of the world do need a productivity book!” But not just “another one….”
While writing this book, I pictured myself back in sessions with my clients, or in the conversations I’ve had with attendees after presenting keynotes and workshops.
This time management book solves all of the pain I’ve witnessed and heard from all of these folks who strive to be successful, but are still searching for peace and balance…
- Busy professionals who know that they’re “this close” to figuring out what to tweak in order to be more efficient, but they just need some hints to push them forward.
- As well as those who feel like they’re teetering on the edge…
- Men and women whose marriages are falling apart because they’re never home. Or when they are at home, they’re not paying attention to their family – because they’re always working.
- Women who work their tails off to shatter perceived glass ceilings, and instead end up working themselves into an emotional breakdown caused by the multitude of life’s pieces they’re trying to balance.
My book turns time management on its head and is their solution and their hope.

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Who should read this book?
Busy professionals, independent consultants, road warriors
Business owners whose passion is decreasing as stress levels increase because your brain being “on” 24/7 is starting to burn you out
Hard working professionals who don’t want to sit at your child’s college graduation, lamenting that you missed watching your kid grow up – and you won’t get a re-do
Go-getters who don’t want to wake up one day and wonder where your life went because you spent so much time working at all hours

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Interruptions, distractions and procrastination…oh my!
Go-getters are busy going and getting – and piling up an endless list of tasks that doesn’t seem to diminish even after working nearly ‘round the clock.
Busy professionals who find out that my specialty is time management tell me this is what they need in a book:
- “I’m struggling with time management, so that means I don’t have a lot of time. I need to be able to read one chapter in one sitting.”
- “If I want to learn more, I’d like the option of digging a little deeper, but I don’t want to have to look too hard to find that information.”
- “I want to be able to open up the table of contents and flip to the chapter I need to solve that day’s problem.”
- “I don’t need statistics and research. I just need you to tell me what I need to do.”
They asked, and now the world shall receive! Turn to-do into ta-done!
This book is exactly what professionals-on-the-go and entrepreneurs need!
This time management book addresses and solves every known productivity road block known to man…and woman. Readers who implement the strategies and tactics in this guide will never have an issue with time management again.
The end.

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About the Author
Helene Segura, M.A. Ed., CPO®
Do you want to wake up 10 years from now and lament, “I wish I’d lived a little more instead of work around the clock”? Helene Segura doesn’t want to either. That’s why she tells her time what to do – and teaches busy professionals how to do the same by slaying lost time.
The author of two Amazon bestselling books, Helene Segura has been the featured productivity expert in more than 100 media interviews, in publications such as U.S. News and World Report and Money Magazine, as well as on Fox, CBS, ABC, and NBC affiliates. During her time management keynotes and workshops, she shares her mind-bending framework for decreasing interruptions, distractions and procrastination so that companies can spend more time generating revenue.
Born and raised in Los Angeles, she earned her bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University (Gig ’em!) and her master’s degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio. By day, Helene presents keynotes and trainings as The Inefficiency Assassin and teaches audiences and clients how to slay wasted time. By night (and on weekends), she’s a devout cheese eater, a recipe experimenter, and a travel junkie. If you blink, you might miss her sneaking adult beverages onto the lawn bowling court.
For the ultimate productivity tools and time management tips, order your time management books today!
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Published by New World Library, Novato, CA. April 12, 2016.

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Time-saving Tools and Tips you can use immediately!
210-892-4990 office@helenesegura.com
1140 S. Laredo St.
Suite 830852
San Antonio, TX 78283

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