How can you better manage long term projects? – Productivity Tools for your Time Management Revolution
Here’s another productivity tip for your time management revolution.
Have you ever had a week or maybe even a month to work on a project, then all of a sudden – from out of nowhere! – the deadline rolls around? You think, “Oh my gosh! I still have so much left to do!”
The moment we receive an assignment or commit to some kind of long term task, it’s important to sit down and work our way backwards from the due date with all of the steps that need to be completed. If you map out your plan for each of the different steps as well as the timelines and resources needed for each of those different steps, that will prevent you from ever having to panic at the last minute from not having enough time to finish that long term project.
What project or task do you have due in the next week or the next month? Do you have a report or proposal due at work? Or maybe you’re in charge of something on the home front, like a holiday dinner. When will you sit down to map out your timeline?
The more planning we do, the better decisions we’ll make about how we use our time.
Since everyone has different learning styles, below are two different delivery methods to help you learn these productivity tools.
audio time management tip:
video time management tip:
For more productivity tools and tips from time management keynote speaker Helene Segura, click here.
If you’re interested in starting with tip #1 in the Time Management Revolution series, you can start here.
Or, you can search for the various Time Management Revolution posts here.
You can watch the series of videos here.
You can listen to the Time Management Revolution podcasts here.
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